Valve: Portal 2 Console Versions are 'Identical'
CVG interviewed Valve writer Chet Faliszek, who said the two games would perform exactly the same. "If you bought the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions and put them side by side you can see they're identical games," he said. "The actual content is the same too, across all platforms."
He said the PS3 will see more frequent updates, along with the previously announced cross-platform play and chat, since the team doesn't have to go through a gatekeeper to do so. The game content and performance itself, however, should reach platform parity.
Haha, platform parity performance-wise. But PS3 buyers get better features. It makes me happy, because now I don't have to buy one for console and one for PC, I just have to buy the PS3 copy and get it for PC free! :] PC rules graphically and control-wise, but I have more (real) friends on console. I'm probably going to be jumping back and forth a lot thanks to the cloud-saves!