Evening Reading
It's going to be a bit quiet around the Shack during the holiday so keep your cool and jump into the latest chatty. Be sure to let everyone know what you hauled in as gifts on Saturday!
OOPS I meant to post this here, but posted in the chatty instead: http://www.shacknews.com/laryn.x?id=24844718#itemanchor_24844718
ericzba http://xn--n3h.net/
The Creepers in Suits would like a word with you.
That word is: SSSSSsssss.
Heh. I have imagined ways to 'roleplay' a creeper, but to really do it you need admin powers. Basically you give yourself a couple TNT, teleport near a player, sneak up on them, place the TNT and try to blow up everyone! It'd be annoying if overdone, but maybe fun if done right.