Report: Microsoft to Focus on Gaming with Windows 8
Microsoft has also hired Rahul Sood, who came over from Hewlett-Packard and Voodoo PC and is also the guy that blogged that Microsoft scrapped plans for PC and Xbox 360 cross-platform multiplayer because "the console players got destroyed every time" sparking Internet arguments about controllers versus mouse & keyboard.
Last month, Microsoft launched a redesigned Games for Windows Marketplace, which sells digital games and downloadable content. Microsoft's biggest competition will obviously be Valve's Steam platform, which is currently the undisputed king of PC gaming.
Microsoft has quite a large mountain to climb, especially after Games for Windows LIVE.
Absolutely the truth. Every version of Windows is supposedly focusing on the gamer. "This is it, guys! THIS IS THE WINDOWS WHERE WE'RE ALL ABOUT THE GAMER!"
Hell, they said that with WIndows 7 and that was when they stopped even bothering to port their first party 360 titles to PC. Not even after years of release. Not even after sequels to said games were made on 360. Not even when they're made by famous PC-centric developers (Epic, Remedy).
How a company that stripped PC gaming to the bone to build its own gaming efforts can continually declare it's focusing on PC gaming is beyond me. They must have GIANT balls of steel. It's a wonder people don't just kick them in the nads everytime they walk down the street for the gall. -
I agree. If Microsoft wants it's next "console" to be competitive, it's going to have to recognize that there is a convergence occurring among all the various network-enabled boxes in the living room.
There should be one box that combines all of the following:
Cable box
Wireless internet access
Wired ethernet port
Web browsing
Connectivity and source switching for other sources and devices, including:
USB 3.0
With all of that functionality, said box might as well be thought of as a home-theater PC.