Rock of Ages Trailer Takes on Michelangelo's David

The cheeky humour and fantastic art style of Rock of Ages is on show in a new trailer for ACE Team's competitive ball-bashing, castle-smashing downloadable game. A far cry from th


The cheeky humour and fantastic art style of Rock of Ages is on show in a new trailer for ACE Team's competitive ball-bashing, castle-smashing downloadable game.

A far cry from the indie developer's fine first-person face-puncher Zeno Clash, Rock of Ages involves bounding along courses inspired by different periods of art history as a moon-shaped boulder. After smashing through your enemy's defences and forces to reach and crush their castle, it'll be your turn to fend off the alabaster goon.

Publisher Atlus has yet to reveal which platforms Rock of Ages will be released on when it arrives in Spring 2011, though ACE has experience with PC and Xbox Live Arcade from Zeno Clash so they at least seem likely targets.

From The Chatty
  • reply
    October 20, 2010 10:47 AM

    cool art style...but so what?

    I just roll a rock around all day? Why is it that games that have fantastic art often have banal gameplay?

    Why not let me smash a castle figuratively with a big army and some catapults?

    • reply
      October 20, 2010 12:22 PM

      Cool: Monty Python meets Katamari Damacy. It has been the only game to catch my eye in the last few months. Definitely the only one I would consider paying money for.

    • reply
      October 20, 2010 12:26 PM

      You've never played Katamari Damacy? What would make games about army-controlling intrinsically better than ball-rolling?

      • reply
        October 20, 2010 6:39 PM

        because its cool. a strategy game with that art style would own.

        thats all i was saying.

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