Evening Reading
Now, it's time to go record the podcast where I'll be talking about Gears of War 3 and some other stuff, including Minecraft.
Gaming News o'the Day
- Too Human developers making a new X-Men game.
- Killzone 3 beta set for later this month.
- Halo movie rumors are heating up.
- More StarCraft 2 balance plans. Yum.
I want in on the KZ3 beta :(
I really liked how the levels changed depending on the character you picked. The constantly changing level themes rocked, too.
Partner ai blew, but at least they had the decency to make them invincible unlike, say, Daikatana (that game's biggest mistake). Made for some unintentional humor on the jungle mission when the bridge blew up with the partner on it.
Come to think of it, the bugs made that game way more fun.
The second one was quite good actually, it takes 90 minutes to get used to the 'heavy' gun feel but it's awesome after that. The gameplay is fairly solid - the levels interesting albeit weak colour palette (see Quake) the storyline is medioce and the voice acting is good. Overall it's a solid FPS - just the gunplay really works for me once you get in to it.
MP was fucking excellent - also the second last section of the game is a giant cunt.-
I love when you're forced to really deal with 3D space and vertical threats, rather than just the occasional jumping on a crate or sniping from a second story window, so I'm looking forward to it (I liked what I've seen - it'll be up to what the controls are like). The idea of "jetpacks" is a little goofy, I'll grant you that, but more manageable in terms of gameplay than zero-grav or underwater, etc.
I found it really irritating to play until I turned on the "high precision" option in the controls menu. Basically without it (which is how it was before it was patched) there's a relatively large deadzone in the center of the right analogue stick which makes small adjustments to your aim a nightmare, and can throw off your aiming totally if you're used to other console fps games.
The high precision option removes the deadzone. It still keeps some of it's "heavy" feeling with the animation and what not anyway, but it makes the game much more playable.