Harmonix and Konami Settle Lawsuits Over Music Game Patents
The terms of the settlement were not released, but both companies have dropped the lawsuit against the other. Konami's lawsuit was built upon a 1999 patent for a "musical-rhythm matching game" being infringed upon by Harominx's 2007 patent for "a game controller simulating a musical instrument."
Harmonix and MTV Games' counter-suit against Konami argued that Harmonix represented improvements on Konami's original filing and that Rock Revolution actually had more in common with Rock Band than with prior games from Konami such as Drum Mania or Guitar Freaks.
Rock Band 3 is due out on October 26. Konami has not announced a follow-up to Rock Revolution.
that's because even when it sold for $3.97 i couldn't be bothered to take the shrink wrap off Rock Revolution.