Evo Tournament Results: Daigo Wins Main Event Again
The tournament organizers will be uploading HD videos to YouTube over the coming days if you missed the streams over the weekend. A television special will be airing on July 20 on G4 with a look at the finals, the history of Evo and Capcom fighting games, along with a new preview of Marvel vs. Capcom 3.
Daigo Umehara won the main event for the second year in a row, defeating Ricky Ortiz decisively in the grand finals. Surprisingly, Justin Wong -- considered the United States' strongest player -- did not make the top 8, but defeated Sanford Kelly in the finals of Marvel vs. Capcom 2. This was a rematch of last year's event, in which Sanford won.
Super Street Fighter IV - Top 8
- Daigo Umehara (Ryu)
- EG.Ricky Ortiz (Rufus, Chun-Li)
- Infiltration (Akuma)
- Mike Ross (E. Honda)
- Bruce "GamerBee" Hsiang (Adon)
- Vance "Vangief" Wu (Zangief)
- Henry Cen (E. Honda, Dhalsim)
- Shizza (Chun-Li)
- Nin
- Rip
- Mr. Naps
- Devil Jim
- jfj
- Tokido
- Crow
- GMMA Kor
- Snake Eyes
- Afrolegends
- Daigo
- Afro Cole
- Tokido
- Alex Valle
- Ryry
- AAA Kayane
- Burnyourbra
- Yellow Gal
- Lina
- EG Marn
- KBeast
- EG Justin Wong
- Kurasa
- Psychochronic
- Royal Flush
- skisonic
- Keits
- EG Justin Wong
- EMP Santhrax
- Clockw0rk
- EMP Yipes
- Neo
- Crizzle
- Chaos Nightwolf
- Regency Rob
- Yoichiro "Garu" Aruga
- Stephen "Lord Knight" Barthelemy
- Antonio "Kusanagi" Medrano
- Byron "HF Blade" Barzabal
- Brandon "Brandino" Lee
- Yuji "Yat" Tanaka
- James Xie
- Eric "Numakie" Gutierrez
excellent weekend. also super super excited for EVO Japan in september. pretty curious about what games will be in their line-up, seeing as how the fanbase there is slightly different.