Evo Tournament Results: Daigo Wins Main Event Again

The Evolution 2010 Championship Fighting Game Series is finished, but the results will live on forever, archived by fine institutions like Shacknews.

The tournament organizers will be uploading HD videos to YouTube over the coming days if you missed the streams over the weekend. A television special will be airing on July 20 on G4 with a look at the finals, the history of Evo and Capcom fighting games, along with a new preview of Marvel vs. Capcom 3.

Daigo Umehara won the main event for the second year in a row, defeating Ricky Ortiz decisively in the grand finals. Surprisingly, Justin Wong -- considered the United States' strongest player -- did not make the top 8, but defeated Sanford Kelly in the finals of Marvel vs. Capcom 2. This was a rematch of last year's event, in which Sanford won.

Super Street Fighter IV - Top 8

  1. Daigo Umehara (Ryu)
  2. EG.Ricky Ortiz (Rufus, Chun-Li)
  3. Infiltration (Akuma)
  4. Mike Ross (E. Honda)
  5. Bruce "GamerBee" Hsiang (Adon)
  6. Vance "Vangief" Wu (Zangief)
  7. Henry Cen (E. Honda, Dhalsim)
  8. Shizza (Chun-Li)
Tekken 6 - Top 8
  1. Nin
  2. Rip
  3. Mr. Naps
  4. Devil Jim
  5. jfj
  6. Tokido
  7. Crow
  8. GMMA Kor
Super Street FIghter II HD Remix - Top 8
  1. Snake Eyes
  2. DGV
  3. Afrolegends
  4. Daigo
  5. Afro Cole
  6. Tokido
  7. Alex Valle
  8. Ryry
Super SF4 Women’s Invitational - Top 4
  1. AAA Kayane
  2. Burnyourbra
  3. Yellow Gal
  4. Lina
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom - Top 8
  1. EG Marn
  2. KBeast
  3. EG Justin Wong
  4. Kurasa
  5. Psychochronic
  6. Royal Flush
  7. skisonic
  8. Keits
Marvel vs. Capcom 2 - Top 8
  1. EG Justin Wong
  2. EMP Santhrax
  3. Clockw0rk
  4. EMP Yipes
  5. Neo
  6. Crizzle
  7. Chaos Nightwolf
  8. Regency Rob
Melty Blood - Top 8
  1. Yoichiro "Garu" Aruga
  2. Stephen "Lord Knight" Barthelemy
  3. Antonio "Kusanagi" Medrano
  4. Byron "HF Blade" Barzabal
  5. Brandon "Brandino" Lee
  6. Yuji "Yat" Tanaka
  7. James Xie
  8. Eric "Numakie" Gutierrez
From The Chatty
  • reply
    July 12, 2010 12:26 PM

    excellent weekend. also super super excited for EVO Japan in september. pretty curious about what games will be in their line-up, seeing as how the fanbase there is slightly different.

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