PlayStation Store Update: inFAMOUS Download and Fat Princess DLC
Plus subscribers will also get a free copy of WipEout HD (as long as they remain subscribers) and some more digital goodies like games, DLC, avatars, and discounts on other content.
For the rest of you, gamers can now snag the aforementioned inFAMOUS for $39.99 as a downloadable game or pick up new DLC for Fat Princess, which includes three new playable characters: the pirate, the ninja, and the giant. On the PSP, Hot Shots Tennis: Get a Grip is up for purchase along with two other games and a slew of PSP Minis
As always, the week's music game DLC is now available and a demo for LEGO Harry Potter is also live. For a full listing of today's content, head on over to the official PlayStation Blog.
Why is inFAMOUS $40? It's only $30 in stores.