Lionhead's Milo "Product" for Kinect Still in Development, Not Out This Year
"Right now it's not a game that we're planning to bring to market...and also the demo was fake anyways lol"
Until about 5 minutes ago I had never seen the Milo demo. After seeing a short clip of it, it looks interesting, modeling a sort of audio-visual feedback loop, but I don't see how all of that could have been done on the fly without pre-canned phrases or at least a partial script or short story read by the "player" before the demonstration.
...and at the same time, I can see how Kinectimals would be a better demo with less blemishes. By modeling an animal, there's no speech synthesis or recognition necessary, just a library of animal vocalizations. The only necessary feedback is restricted to those sounds and the visual animation cues.
I don't want to go searching for a video of the Kinectimals demo, because when Garnett Lee imitated the girl saying "Oh, Skittles! That tickles!" I wanted to break something in the room out of exasperation due to annoyance.