Medal of Honor Multiplayer Beta Delayed on Xbox 360

While EA announced only three days ago that the multiplayer beta test for its modern-day Medal of Honor revamp was set to commence on June 21, it has now revealed that the beta will be delayed on Xbox 360 only for a brief period.

"The Medal of Honor beta for the Xbox 360 is delayed but it is expected to be available next week," community manager Matthew Pruit explains. "We are extremely disappointed about this, but want to assure you that we are dedicated and determined to delivering all of you this awesome multiplayer experience as soon as possible. However, we are excited to extend the beta to make up for lost time!"

The two-map beta will go ahead as planned on PC and PlayStation 3, beginning on June 21 for all who have pre-ordered the shooter while those who also own Battlefield: Bad Company 2 will be able to play from today. No end date has been announced yet.

With singleplayer by Medal of Honor Airborne developer EA Los Angeles built upon Unreal Engine 3 and multiplayer by Bad Company 2 dev DICE on its own Frostbite engine, Medal of Honor is due to hit PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 on October 12.

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