Evening Reading: An excellent first half for Videogames
Oh, and I'll definitely be playing some World Cup this weekend too.
Gaming News Today:
All the Rest:-
I'm surprised by the reaction to RDR, it really did nothing for me.
That surprises me. Besides Landon Ricketts I thought all the Mexico characters were really terrible. And I hated how John was playing both sides. He's all concerned for the rebels one second and the next he's slaughtering hundreds of them.
I much preferred the assortment of shady characters he was dealing with in the start of the game and in Blackwater and I was glad when the Mexico portion was over. -
its over-hyped listen to http://www.podcastalley.com/podcast_details.php?pod_id=91275 episode 18.
The multiplayer was massively over-hyped partly because we were all talking about features that were never even announced and partly because rockstar and reviewers played up how good it was.
The single player though? It's pretty close to a masterpiece. The story is incredible and it's got one of the most fantastic ending sequences ever.
That makes sense. Still, the Western genre is still a fresh one for video games, there are so few of them and even fewer have been done right. There is literally no game out there like RDR, it's original in so many ways. But yeah, you kinda have to get into the whole theme to get the most enjoyment out of it. I would urge you to give it a try at some point.
Do you like fountains of horses?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QraiwM_JPo -