Mass Effect Movie Rights Acquired By 'Watchmen' Production Company
'I Am Legend' and 'Thor' screenwriter Mark Protosevich is reportedly in talks to write the screenplay, while producers will include 'The Dark Knight' producer Thomas Tull, Iron Man producer Avi Arad and BioWare co-founders Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk.
According to Heat Vision, Tull declared that the series was "ripe for translation" with its "depth, compelling characters and an engaging back story." Mass Effect executive producer Casey Hudson agreed, chipping in that BioWare "thought Mass Effect was perfectly suited to be a motion picture."
Just so people know, the producer is not the individual who is responsible for a movie creatively. A producer finds the money, sets schedules and makes some high level casting decisions. The producer is basically responsible for making the film a financial success.
You can't accurately predict whether or not a movie will be good by looking at who the producers are. The director is the person responsible for whether or not a film is good artistically. Unless they get a great director for this one, I can see it being very bad.
Finally, this film will probably never be made. It would be too expensive to make and history shows that besides Star Wars, space opera just doesn't succeed at the box office. This will likely be another Halo movie that is talked about for years, but never made.-
Considering you can probably shoot most of the scenes in an indoor studio with a lot of blue screens, I don't think the price would be too far fetched. Or it can just be entirely made in pre-rendered 3d graphics. Adaptation of the story into a 1.5-2.5 hour script wouldn't be hard since there's a lot in the game that can be sliced out and still make a lot of sense. And then if you have a box office success you have another 2 stories to work with to milk some more money.