Evening Reading: April Fools' Day
Shackers have collected as many gags as they could find in this thread from Morning Discussion.
My favorites were definitely YouTube's TEXTp ASCII rendering, unixkcd, and Deckard Cain's X-Treme Gamer Blanket.
Off to the studio to record Weekend Confirmed! Your regularly-scheduled ER will return tomorrow, fools.
Neato. Photoshelter must have recently added (or I must not have noticed until now) canvas gallery style wrap prints to the options I have for things: "High-quality genuine canvas print, gallery wrapped and ready to hang or frame. Gallery wrapped canvas is specifically designed to allow mounting to the wall directly out of the box. The gallery wrap is a technique that wraps the actual image around all four sides of the image." http://shop.joshlyon.com
I have no model photoshoots scheduled at all right now and I don't plan on it...I'm going to focus on more of the artistic stuff once Easter passes and I have some more free time. I also just applied for a job in a town in Kentucky with a population of 9000 :O I'm ready to get out of california and do something entirely different!-
it's kinda cool ... it's right next to fort knox
http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=shepherdsville,+ky&sll=37.996163,-85.341797&sspn=1.556198,2.469177&gl=us&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Shepherdsville,+Bullitt,+Kentucky&z=13 -