Evening News
NoFadz has a short piece of the chat log of Yahoo's chat with Metallica, which pretty much sumarizes how they feel on the whole Napster topic. There's a "more coming" message on the page, so keep checking it to see if any more .jpg's go up (they had no other way to log, since it was a java chat). RPGVault has a whole bunch of new Vampire: The Masquerade screenshots, for you to sink your teeth in. Also, on Gamespot you will find Holomatch screenshots from Raven's Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force (thanks Ant).
Third Law programmer Jonathan Wright updated his .plan with the news that they are looking for a programmer to join their team. And if all that wasn't exciting enough, 3D Realms have released a sound patch for their Build-engine FPS Shadow Warrior. Yes, it's true.
First maybe?