Evening Reading: Under Control
It's easy to stick to the safe side of graphics discussions and talk about how many shaded pixels get pushed around the screen without going out on a limb to say whether the resulting imagery makes it worthwhile. Without a similar shared vocabulary for controls I think we at times don't know where to begin the conversations. For instance, one thing about good controls is that the first time you use them they just feel right. Writers tend to describe this as "intuitive" (I'm not jumping into the semantics of the use of that word here but be my guest if you want to). That leaves so much open to interpretation, though, that it doesn't really say very much.
Besides better discussions amongst ourselves, improving how we talk about controls would also pay off in helping developers better improve their designs. While the overused intuitive won't give them much to go on, saying that the nervous behavior of the steering not being able to keep on a line at speed translates to some combination of sensitivities and other variables the person who designed the controls will understand.
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- Hellgate: London coming back to North America
still looking for that magical MW2 x360 server that will warp me to lvl 70! :D :D