Torchlight Editor Released
"The mod tools are what we use to create all the assets in the game," Runic's Peter Hu told us in a recent interview. "You can obviously create levels, create quests. There's a visual scripting system, so you can create a lot of trigger points. You can create items, or your own skills. You can adjust AIs, create monsters. If you have 3D Studio Max experience, you can add in animations. You can modify textures. Whatever you want."
Runic offers up a useful "Top 10 Helpful Tips for TorchED" list and directs those seeking finished mods to Original Runic Games Fansite and Torchlight Insider. The cream of the mod crop will, of course, also be featured on FileShack.
The game, replay value and support are awesome.
And for a price that should be considered as theft.
Easily worth twice its money.-
if you believe free to play mmos are free to play, you obviously havent played any.
i have no interest in EITHER a traditional MMO subscription model, OR a "f2p" model... this isnt about money. it isnt that i dont want to PAY, ive got no problem with paying. i just have no intention of paying a single nickle for what an MMO has to offer. i dont WANT an MMO. i freaking HATE MMOs, i hate the design philosophy required to make them successful, i hate the MMO "experience", i hate EVERYTHING ABOUT THEM.
i want to play with friends. not "friends + a bunch of other jackasses in a game specifically designed to string my ass along and suck every bit of cash out of me i might possibly be willing to part with"...-
so because i can recognize that a co-op game offers a fundamentally different experience from an MMO, and have absolutely zero interest in what an MMO has to offer, i have issues? ill admit, i am more than a little sick of people telling me theyre the same thing... if i have an "issue" at all, its with these retards.
"torchlight, now with co-op" != "a torchlight spinoff incorporating design specifics required to allow for successful ongoing operation as a f2p MMO"... not even remotely. -
Multiplayer is probably going to be modded in. There is already people working on it:
I love that they omitted multiplayer. Not because I hate on mp (in fact I overwhelmingly prefer it, as do most shackers), but because it gave them a realistic development schedule to develop outstanding SP gameplay, with likely plans for MP in the future.
$20 dollars for a highly polished Single Player diablo-clone is reasonable to most consumers... which means money in their coffers for developing other parts of their vision in the future. Let's not forget the history of projects that these guys have been involved in (over-budget or under-expected-revenue).