Just Cause 2 Trailer: The Grapple
The latest trailer for the open-world shooter Just Cause 2 shows off more of the multi-faceted gadget called "The Grapple." The device does more than you might expect. In addition to zipping between buildings and hijacking vehicles, the sandbox gameplay a
Can you tether an enemy to a moving vehicle? Check. Fling an enemy into the air and juggle him with your machine gun? Check. Tether a car to a helicopter and use it as a giant wrecking ball? Absolutely. In fact, players can use the grapple to tie almost any two items together.
For more coverage on the game, click here. Just Cause 2 is due out on Xbox 360, PS3, and PC in 2010.
Either that programmer has a total babyface, or he started coding when he was 8 years old! ;O