Dragon Quest Wars 'Should' Arrive Next Week
Square Enix representatives have passed along word that Dragon Quest Wars--a strategic take on the franchise crafted by Advance Wars developer Intelligent Systems--"should" be available as a Nintendo DSiWare download next week.
It's slated to sell at 500 DSi Points ($5), with footage of the Japanese version below:
As a huge fan of wargames/strategy games, I have to say this looks kinda unappealing. Looks strategically simplistic and visuall like crap. What's wrong with 2D art? Why not some awesome kickass 2D art like in Advance Wars or Fire Emblem? Someone needs to look back at SSI's 5 Star General series for what a real wargame plays like, and then put some kickass art on top of it, and blammo, now you've got a game.