Red Faction: Guerrilla Brings Bonus Content to PC
The Games for Windows Live-enabled version of Volition's open-world world-destroying shooter will include the 'Demons of the Badlands' downloadable content, the console pre-order bonus Wrecking Crew mode maps, two PC-exclusive multiplayer maps, plus six Wrecking Crew maps and the Bagman modes from the upcoming second DLC.
Guerrilla smashes onto PC on September 15, with Steam and Impulse throwing in the first two Red Factions for free with $39.99 pre-orders. Thanks for the tip, JediDawg.
I think Steam just gained one pre-order.
I'm also going to be getting the pre-order off steam. I've been waiting for news on whether the effort was going to be put into making this a solid port. The inclusion of this extra content shows that they are paying attention to the PC version. Also, getting Red Faction 1 and 2 along with Guerrilla all for $40? Not too shabby.