Just Cause Headed to the Big Screen

Adrian Askarieh, the producer of the Hitman movie, has acquired the rights to adapt Eidos' action title Just Cause as a feature film.

Just Cause stars CIA agent Rico Rodriguez, who has been tasked with overthrowing the dictator of a Caribbean island. The story was based on the real-life invasion of Panama, codenamed "Operation Just Cause." Variety reports that Askarieh plans to produce the film independently, and is currently in the process of raising $30 million in financing for the project.

Askarieh's "Hitman" earned over $100 million in box office ticket sales, and "made a killing on DVD" according to the outlet.

"[Hitman was a] very successful movie for Fox, and I wanted to find a similar project in terms of its genre, international appeal and ability to do for a price, but do it independently in order to maximize the creative and financial upside that a project like this could generate," said Askarieh.

Askarieh is also producing a film based on Eidos' Kayne & Lynch, which is set to go under the lens next year. A sequel to Hitman is also in development.

From The Chatty
  • reply
    August 10, 2009 1:53 PM

    Will this consist of the same action scene, over and over, as Rico liberates town after town after town?

    • reply
      August 10, 2009 2:16 PM

      I thought the exact same thing.

      • reply
        August 10, 2009 2:47 PM

        In all honesty, I loved this game despite its repetition- after a while the gameplay that forces you into the same thing over and over becomes a kind of zen. Its the only 360 game I've ever scored all 1000 achievement points on.

        • reply
          August 10, 2009 4:16 PM

          i loved the game as well... as long as what im repeating is fun, i dont mind repeating it. because its fun. again. which is a good thing in my book.

          this might also explain why im seemingly the only person who loved assassin's creed, too...

          • reply
            August 10, 2009 4:59 PM

            Yeah, I'm also the other guy who loved Assassin's Creed the whole way through.

    • reply
      August 10, 2009 2:26 PM

      It's an adaption. I'm sure it will have this character Rico go into a country and attempt to overthrow its dictator. It will probably be mostly about his challenges in accomplishing this because if they made a movie about him having no problems completing the mission, it would last about 30 minutes.

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