Duke4 And E3

3D Realms daddy GeorgeB posted on the Duke4 forums, saying that despite previous rumors Duke Forever won't be present at E3 in any form or shape. Here's a part on why

This is the same policy we had last year. We do not believe including DNF in the E3 dog and pony show will benefit our goal with the game, which quite simply is to surprise the player with unexpected content and gameplay. E3 can be a the great spoiler of game content and we believe this to be the case for DNF if we show it there.

Also, he mentions that they know everyone will go "vaporware" now, and they don't care :) But hey, at least we got these purty screenshots.
From The Chatty
  • reply
    April 17, 2000 2:13 PM

    Uh, eh. So basically, no DNF at E3. np here. Just wish the game was out already.

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