Analyst: Prototype to Beat Infamous Sales by 90 Percent, But Not on PS3

EEDAR analyst Jesse Divnich singled out the war between rival open-world action titles Infamous and Prototype in his retail sales preview today, estimating that Prototype will eventually win out over its rival by a sales margin of 90 percent.

Sucker Punch's PlayStation 3-exclusive Infamous was released on May 26, while Radical's similar, yet multiplatform title Prototype (PC, 360, PS3) launched on June 6. Though EEDAR estimates that Prototype will triumph overall, it also predicts that Infamous will outsell its rival by 35 percent on the PlayStation 3, a margin that may increase to 50 percent in the future.

"Due to near identical game play and quality scores, the Infamous vs. Prototype case study presents interesting data to publishers when considering the sales bump a title could receive by choosing exclusivity over a multiplatform release," concluded Divnich.

Divnich added that since EEDAR does not have data on how much it cost publisher Activision to support development of Prototype for three platforms, it is currently difficult to tell which strategy will ultimately pay out the most.

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From The Chatty
  • reply
    July 13, 2009 8:16 PM

    "Due to near identical game play and quality scores, the Infamous vs. Prototype case study presents interesting data to publishers when considering the sales bump a title could receive by choosing exclusivity over a multiplatform release," concluded Divnich."

    I don't thik that's the case at all, because if Infamous was a 360 exclusive it would have sold a hell of a lot more, possibly eclipsing overall sales for Prototype as a multi-platform game. The reason Infamous is selling so poorly, is because practically every PS3 exclusive has sold poorly (except for MGS4). It's not a balanced comparison.

    • reply
      July 13, 2009 8:23 PM

      "The reason Infamous is selling so poorly, is because practically every PS3 exclusive has sold poorly."

      I think you need to take a stats course, just because A and B are related doesn't me one causes the other.

      There could be item C which happens to cause both (which in this case I'd say there is).

      • reply
        July 13, 2009 9:44 PM

        He is still most probably correct that if infamous had been a 360 exclusive/multiplatform title it would most likely have outsold the current PS3 numbers and could very well have outsold prototypes overall numbers.

        Saying "we were outsold 90% by this comparable game which is available on multiplatforms, but oh look how great we did on this one system, of the 10% overall marketshare we have, because we were exclusive we sold about 7% of it!!!"

        pretty hollow victory/argument for exclusivity.

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