Sam & Max Save the World on XBLA Next Week
Collecting the first season of Telltale's episodic adventure games, Sam & Max Save the World has been smartened up with widescreen, achievements and updated controls.
Not content with saving one former LucasArts adventure series, Telltale announced Tales of Monkey Island at E3 this year, continuing the praised piratical point-and-clicker. Unfortunately, the new Monkey Island games are only coming to PC and Wii at this time, though Xbox Live Arcade will soon receive a revamp of the original Monkey Island.
Sam & Max Save the World will run you a tidy 1600 Microsoft Points ($20).
All of season one on a single XBlA download? Thats almost too good to be true. Question: are just 200 achievement points up for grabs?
Well if you do like achievements, it's a valid question. They add some challanges and sometimes force you to solve puzzles differently. (wallace and grommit does this) However in wallace and grommit each episode will give you 200 points, in this it's all the episodes for just 200 points. It seems the achievements don't match the content. I just got an achievement for solving puzzles without using gorgonzola, and i like that.