Gorgeous Wii Game Demon Blade Hits in September
Sporting two playable characters, a male ninja and female kunoichi, the game has players slashing their way through various side-scrolling levels with multiple paths. It supports the Wii Remote and Nunchuk, Classic Controller, and GameCube controller.
"I want it to be a very fun game for everyone who picks it up," said game director and Vanillaware president George Kamitani. "We developed Muramasa: The Demon Blade in the same way as we did Odin Sphere, so there are bound to be a lot of similarities."
Looks nice, gota love the 2D games I know I do.
But here is a question for Shack, where do you think would sell more units of this game?
A. On Wii
B. On Xbox Live
d. PC