Evening Reading
Well great, now I've also been somehow convinced that I need to be checking out Fallout 3 as well. I'm playing too many games. :( Google...
Well great, now I've also been somehow convinced that I need to be checking out Fallout
3 as well. I'm playing too many games. :(
- Google detecting flu
- Flip getting
- Monopoly movie? What?
- More solar fun
- Classmates.com is
a scam
- Tech ruining dates
As for the the videogame news around these parts:
- Square Enix publishing Supreme
Commander 2
- Street Fighter 2 HD screenshots
and trailer
- ESRB providing detailed rating
- Gears of War 2 sells 2 million
- Apple says your DS and PSP are
played out
- Wheel of Time MMO incoming
- Games for Windows taking on Steam
- Analysts talk about holiday games
- Hands-On with Netflix on Xbox 360
- Another terrible Guitar Hero trailer
- Spore DRM revolt was Boston Tea
! - 50 Cent developer sells 50%
- Splash Damage going consoles
Lastly, will
social TV take off?
biggest disappointment of gears 2: no http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPk1LtESE-U
initially it was pretty mind-boggling, but we've spent about a month on it so far and I've got my head pretty well wrapped around it...unfortunately I don't have much in the way of previous programming experience...I was a nursing major for a looooooong time, fucking hated every minute of it, so I decided to change my major to something I was actually interested in and...here I am. Took Python last semester and loved it, and while C++ was difficult for me at first I have completely fallen head over heels for it now that I've had some time with it
at a simple level just imagine when you'd normally want some sort of integer flags (ie 1 means success, 2 means failure, 3 means unknown). If you litter your code with checks for if (result == 1) it's not very obvious what that means to someone else. If you say if (result == gameResultEnum::Success) then it's much clearer. Then there's things like you can use a switch statement on the enum type and it becomes very clear again instead of just integers. Some languages also let you use enums for types other than ints.