Mirror's Edge Trailer Wants You To Download Demo
With the Mirror's Edge demo available in the PlayStation Store today and the Xbox Live Marketplace tomorrow, Electronic Arts sends along this new trailer showing about a minute of in-game footage.
With the Mirror's Edge demo available in the PlayStation Store today and the Xbox Live Marketplace tomorrow, Electronic Arts sends along this new trailer showing about a minute of in-game footage.
The demo features the prologue of the game, a tutorial and a segment of the single-player story mode.
Mirror's Edge ships to stores November 11 for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.
I'm almost hoping this sucks just so that it's one less title I'm tempted by.
From what I heard, the whole game is pretty linear. That might be one of the drawbacks of the final game. But in the end this is essentially a racing game on foot... so linear can almost be expected. I also hear that there are alternate paths to the same destination (but those paths are not easily recognized unless you are really good at the game). The easy path is marked in red... the others you have to find.