Morning Discussion
Morning Shackers. Japan needs to be more creative, the Warhammer MMO pre-launch is starting soon and if you were a fan of Genesis-era Phantasy Star games, well then the depressing news is they clearly only want to make Diablo-alikes, but now on DS!
FIFA 09 Demo Out!
It's up on the UK and Asia XBox Marketplace right now. Not sure when it hits North America. PlayStation Store gets it at 5pm GMT. Here's a vid of some new tricks:
Since there'll be online 10v10 squads on this game, I'm taking names so we know who is interested in setting up a Shackteam or two. Recommend some team names! * denotes a 'maybe'.
XBox 360: Bamtan, -efx-, n0v4, c_man_tmt, Derringer, adsriordan, TreMetal, Foxhawk, Albemuth, Skoal^Fyfan, SockMonkeh, aggro crag, hirosushima*, gummijoh*
PlayStation 3: obiquatro, stratedge, treefingers1, Bamii, mojorisen1117* and pyide*
PC: Arsenal, Thomas Hace, thewindcriesmary-
Oh and for those that missed the Clubs feature: