Morning Discussion
Quite the newsworthy day yesterday, eh? Starting off the morning, Nick has a review of sorts for Geometry Wars 2. It's almost silly how much depth that little game has in it. Guitar Hero World Tour is getting another instrument, a keyboard is apparently too awesome to be it. And litigation enthusiast Immersion is sampling their own medicine, after Microsoft wins a $20 million settlement regarding force-feedback. Finally, Alien Crush is getting Bionic Commando Rearmed-esque refresh. Neat!
Downloaded and played Castle Crashers this morning before leaving for work. My time with the game was brief, but I can tell its going to be really cool. The art/animation is top notch.
I think this has a real chance of being my favorite XBLA game yet.-
I think that's it. Co-op over live is pretty huge for me, because honestly I play almost nothing over live. I'm not even totally sure why I have it most of the time. GTA4 multi is fun for a few nights. Most FPS' should be played on a PC (CoD4, nice exception). There don't really seem to be many interesting multiplayer strategy games, and finding say Carcasonne players is an effort. I mean I pay for it, but I don't really at all feel like I get that value out of it.