Contest: Win Guitar Hero Aerosmith, Guitars

We went through the contest a few days ago, but thought it might be nice to give people a second chance at the things so a few more people could take a shot at the prize. Up for grabs we have two copies of Guitar Hero: Aerosmith, with guitar and game; one for Xbox 360 and one for PS3.
What we want from you is your best self portrait of air guitar glory, either solo or with a backup band. So set the self timer, teach your cat how to choose the right shutter speed, or get all your friends in costume to "air band" all of Aerosmith. Shacknews will give you a week to do this, and we'll choose our two favorites to win, so have your entries in by 11:59 PM CST on Friday, July 18th.From The Chatty
No Photoshopping right?