Contest Wrapup: Command & Conquer 3 Sweepstakes

And what better way to celebrate such a man than by giving some loot away featuring his likeness? Recently we asked you to show off your Command & Conquer knowledge, to prove if you're truly a Kaniac. In return, we have chosen five true believers for prizey goodness. But first, let's address the question of just how evil Kane is.
- Crastabule: Kane is such a villainous genius, he would defeat hair loss by developing V05 Tiberium Growth Gel (TM). (May cause uncontrolled hair growth)
- 3mnkids: Kane is such a villainous genius, he would defeat the big wig oil company men but making them drink their product.
- arbiter01: Kane is such a villainous genius, he would defeat James Kirk by killing his son. KAAAAANE!!!!
- camper223: Kane is such a villainous genius, he would sell his soul to the devil and the devil would even be outwitted by his actions, to succeed as a hero to those that seek his charm.
- shogran: Kane is such a villainous genius, he would upgrade all Fileshack members to "Tiberium" membership, a pirated form of "Mercury"... He would then leave for his 5 'o'clock to help Van Gogh save his ear!
- ttrue88: Kane is such a villainous genius, the thought of Satan amuses him, almost as much as Wiley E. Coyote
- jeffcox111: Kane is such a villainous genius, he would defeat Chuck Norris by traveling back in time just prior to Chuck's first lesson in roundhouse kicking only to shoot him and his instructor in the back before young Chuck could ever learn the ultimate life saving move that is a roundhouse.
- GrimmyD: Kane is such a villainous genius, he would defeat Team America. Fuck yeah.
- TastyWheat: Kane is such a villainous genius, he would defeat the Italian Football Team singlehandedly by lacing their water supply with a deadly NOD neurotoxin. This neurotoxin would only activate when the player in question dives, kicks a soccerball, or sings along to their national anthem.
- mittense: Kane is such a villainous genius, he would defeat Jack Bauer by means of destroy the country in which he calls home (Jack Bauer may come back to life by television magic and kill everything Kane associates with, though)
- iwonthelottery: Kane is such a villainous genius, he would defeat the Lakers in game 6 by 40 pts.
- Spoetzl: Kane is such a villainous genius, he would defeat Shack hatred by referencing his head and saying "Come on shack... remind you of anything? You love it... I love it..."
- BrandSizzle: Kane is such a villainous genius, he would defeat Jules Winnfield by quoting more badass bible quotes
- Sailor of Fortune: Kane is such a villainous genius, he would defeat his romantic and murderous urges by sexing up the lead female and killing her. But not in any particular order.
- tomahawk360: Kane is such a villainous genius, he would defeat NOD betrayers by tricking them into believing he's sincere, when really he's worked them into his master plan and as such, affixed a gruesome payback to their fate as a result. Kane always wins, even if it appears he has not.
- BarracudaRon: Kane is such a villainous genius, he would defeat STD's through castration!
- NFXFSX: Kane is such a villainous genius, he would defeat overpopulation by dropping a few tactical Liquid Tib Bombs.
If you've won, you should already have a message from me. Thanks to everyone for participating, and EA for helping to make this happen. If you weren't a winner this time don't worry, as we have quite a few more of these contests in the pipe.
From The Chatty
The Chuck Norris on is awesome!