Halo FAQ
The guys at Halo.bungie.org have put up a Halo FAQ, hopefully answering most of your questions about this incredible looking game. Thanks Frans.
"Halo is 3rd person??? WTF??? Halo will use the 3rd person perspective. Whatever that statement implies, forget it now: Halo will not be like other 3rd person games, specifically Tomb Raider, nor will it be like the 3rd person option available in primarily 1st person games such as Tribes. Halo's camera will be much more maneuverable, controlled by the mouse to look in any direction you want. Aiming will be as easy as in 1st person through the use of a "gunsight" similar to the system used on modern fighter planes: A series of concentric shapes that lead to where you will hit. This is a somewhat touchy subject on the Forum here as it has probably started more flame wars than all other topics combined."