Age of Empires 3: The Asian Dynasties Patched
The 15mb download offers a wide variety of balancing changes for a number of the civilizations found in the game.
Age of Empires® III: The Asian Dynasties v1.01
Patch Release Notes
March, 2008
Patch 1.01 – Balance
-Anti-ship base attack reduced to 75.00 (down from 100.00).
-Ranged attacks’ x1.50 bonus against Abstract Cavalry and Abstract Light Infantry
removed for non-Asian TownCenters. All TownCenters should be consistent in not having any
bonus against Cavalry or Light Infantry.
-All ranged attacks’ damage reduced to 16.00 (down from 18.00).
-All ranged and hand attacks’ x1.25 multiplier against Heavy Infantry added.
Ranged Infantry
-All ranged and hand attacks’ x0.75 multiplier against Abstract Cavalry and Abstract
Coyote Man added.
-All ranged and hand attacks’ multiplier against Abstract Light Cavalry and Eagle
Knight increased to x2.00 (up from x1.50)
-This change affects the following units: Crossbowman, Cassador, Longbowman, Jaeger, Tupi
Blackwood Archer, Carib Ambusher, Carib Blowgunner, Incan Bolas Warrior, Klamath Rifleman,
Tupi Blackwood Archer, Carib Blowgunner, Cherokee Rifleman, Cree Tracker, Navajo Rifleman,
Cherokee Rifleman, Seminole Sharktooth Bowman, Cree Tracker, Renegado, Skirmisher,
Strelet, Aenna, Macehualtin, Forest Prowler, Cetan Bow, Wakina Rifle, Arquebrusier, Chu Ko
Nu, Iron Troop, Gurkha, Mansabdar Gurkha, Marathan Thuggee, Wokou Monk, and Yumi Archer.
-Several pets have their stats normalized using the Spanish WarDog as the baseline.
-Converted Guardians now have a x0.10 multiplier versus Buildings added.
-Spies are untrainable until the Colonial Age (up from the Discovery Age).
-All hand attacks’ damage reduced to 5.00 (down from 10.00).
-All building siege attacks’ damage reduced to 10 (down from 20.00).
-All hand attacks’ multiplier against Mercenary increased to x20.00 (up from x10.00)
and multiplier against Hero increased to x40.00 (up from x20.00).
-Wood cost reduced to 100.00 (down from 200.00).
-Hitpoints decreased to 1500.00 (down from 3000.00).
-Build points reduced to 10.00 (down from 20.00).
-Bounty XP reduced to 40.00 (down from 80.00).
-Build Bounty XP reduced to 20.00 (down from 40.00).
-Mamelukes, Elmetis and Lil’Bombards are untrainable from the Saloon until the
Industrial Age (up from Fortress Age).
Field Hospitals
-Hitpoints increased to 1500.00 (up from 250.00).
-Build points reduced to 10.00 (down from 20.00).
-Bounty XP reduced to 80.00 (down from 160.00).
-Build Bounty XP reduced to 40.00 (down from 80.00).
-Wood cost reduced to 200.00 (down from 400.00).
Home City
-Shipment modifier changed to 0.75 (up from 0.73). Now Spain’s bonus is 25% (down
from 27%).
Card – 6 Rodeleros
-Effect decreased to provide 5 Rodeleros (down from 6).
Card – 7 Rodeleros
-Effect decreased to provide 6 Rodeleros (down from 7).
Card – 8 Rodeleros
-Effect decreased to provide 7 Rodeleros (down from 8).
Card – 9 Rodeleros
-Effect decreased to provide 8 Rodeleros (down from 9).
Card – 4 Lancers
-Effect decreased to provide 3 Lancers (down from 4).
Card – 5 Lancers
-Effect decreased to provide 4 Lancers (down from 5).
-6 Settlers (down from 7).
-4 Gold crates (up from 3).
-Bounty XP reduced to 140.00 (down from 280.00).
-Build Bounty XP reduced to 70.00 (down from 140.00).
Card – Stadhouder
-Effect decreased to provide 50% cost to TownCenters (down from 33% cost).
Card – Military Reforms
-All hand attacks’ –x0.25 multiplier against Abstract Infantry added.
-Speed effect left unchanged.
-Velocity increased to 6.75 (up from 6.50) and Max Velocity increased to 8.75 (up from
-All hand attacks’ x0.75 negative bonus against Abstract Villager removed.
Settler Wagon
-Crate gathering time increased to 20.00 (up from 15.00).
Politician – Adventurer
-Age-up effect increased to 7 Longbowmen (up from 2 Pikemen and 5 Longbowmen)
Card – Offshore Support
-Effect decreased to provide +5 range (down from +10 range).
-Effect added to provide 20% bonus to damage to all War Ships.
-3 Wood crates (down from 4).
-Ottoman Mosque now has the unique ability to gather XP at a rate of 0.4xp/sec while the
building is standing.
Millet System
-Tech cost decreased to 100 Wood (down from 300 Food).
-Effect reduced to -5 train points (down from -8 train points).
Abbassid Market
-Tech cost decreased to 600 Wood (down from 800 Food).
-Effect increased to -8 train points (up from -6 train points).
Galata Tower District
-Tech cost decreased to 200 Gold (down from 400 Gold).
Koprulu Viziers
-Tech cost decreased to 250 Wood (down from 500 Food).
-Effect increased to -5 train points (up from -4 train points).
Card – TEAM Silk Road
-Effect decreased to 15% bonus to crates and trade post income (down from 30% bonus).
Card – Offshore Support
-Effect decreased to provide +5 range (down from +10 range).
-Effect added to provide 20% bonus to damage to all War Ships.
-Train points decreased to 30.00 (down from 32.00).
-Train points decreased to 23.00 (down from 27.00).
Card – Sevastapol
-Effect decreased to 50% bonus to building speed (down from 85% bonus).
-Hitpoints increased to 105.00 (up from 85.00).
-Ranged resistance armor reduced to 0.50 (down from 0.60).
-All ranged attacks’ damage reduced to 17.00 (down from 26.00).
-All ranged attacks’ ROF (Rate of Fire) reduced to 3.00 (down from 4.50).
Card – Dragoon Combat
-Effect modified to provide 20% bonus to damage and hitpoints to Dragoons and a 15% bonus
to damage and hitpoints to Hussars (modified from only affecting Dragoons).
Fire Pit
-Attack Dance’s efficiency decreased by 20%.
-Fertility Dance’s efficiency decreased by 20%.
-Travois Dance’s efficiency decreased by 20%.
-Hitpoints aura decreased to 15% bonus (down from 20%).
-Crackshot attack’s damage reduced to 60.00 (down from 75.00).
-Crackshot attack’s damage cap reduced to 120.00 (down from 150.00).
-All hand attacks’ damage increased to 14.00 (up from 10.00).
-All hand attacks’ multiplier against Abstract Cavalry decreased to x3.00 (down from
-Train points decreased to 27.00 (down from 30.00).
-All ranged attacks’ damage increased to 12.00 (up from 10.00).
-All ranged and hand attacks’ multiplier against Heavy Infantry increased to x2.00
(up from x1.25).
Kanya Horseman
-Hitpoints increased to 285.00 (up from 270.00).
-All hand attacks’ damage increased to 27.00 (up from 25.00).
-All hand attacks’ multiplier against Abstract Artillery decreased to x1.75 (down
from x2.00)
Forest Prowler
-All ranged attacks’ damage reduced to 16.00 (down from 17.00).
Card – 11 Tomahawks
-Effect decreased to provide 9 Tomahawks (down from 11 Tomahawks).
Card – Conservative Tactics
-Effect decreased to provide 10% bonus to damage and hitpoints (down from 15%).
Card – TEAM Scout Infantry
-Effect increased to provide 8 Line-of-Sight (up from 4 LOS).
-No longer provides 10% bonus to Infantry HP.
Iroquois War Party Big Button Tech
-Now unavailable until Fortress Age (up from Colonial Age).
Iroquois Raiding Party Big Button Tech
-Now unavailable until Fortress Age (up from Colonial Age).
-No Wood crates (down from 1).
Fire Pit
-Fertility Dance’s efficiency decreased by 20%.
-Attack Dance’s efficiency decreased by 20%.
-Siege Dance’s efficiency decreased by 20%.
-Velocity decreased to 7.76 (down from 8.10) and Max Velocity decreased to 9.76 (down from
-Speed aura decreased to 15% bonus (down from 20%).
Wakina Rifle
-Gold cost increased to 40.00 (up from 30.00).
Axe Rider
-All hand attacks’ x0.75 negative bonus against Abstract Light Cavalry added.
Card – 7 Pet Wolves
-Effect decreased to provide 6 Wolves (down from 7).
Card – 5 Pet Cougars
-Effect decreased to provide 4 Cougars (down from 5).
Card – 4 Pet Grizzlies
-Effect decreased to provide 3 Grizzlies (down from 4).
Card – 8 Pet Coyotes
-Effect decreased to provide 6 Coyotes (down from 8).
-Bounty aura decreased to x2.00 multiplier (down from x3.00).
Fire Pit
-Warrior Priest Dance’s efficiency increased by 25%.
-Fertility Dance’s efficiency decreased by 20%.
-Water Dance’s efficiency decreased by 20%.
-Attack Dance’s efficiency decreased by 20%.
Coyote Runner
-Train points decreased to 27.00 (down from 31.00).
Eagle Runner Knight
-All ranged attacks’ range reduced to 12.00 (down from 14.00).
-Train points decreased to 23.00 (down from 26.00).
-All ranged and hand attacks’ multiplier against Heavy Infantry increased to x2.00
(up from x1.50).
Jaguar Prowl Knight
-All hand attacks’ multiplier against Abstract Cavalry decreased to x2.00 (down from
-All hand attacks’ multiplier against Abstract Heavy Infantry increased to x3.00 (up
from x2.00)
Founder Big Button Tech
-Cost decreased to 50 Food, 50 Wood, and 50 Gold (down from 500 Wood and 500 Gold).
Tribal Chief
-Upon each age-up now provides an increase in the WarChief’s hitpoints.
-Colonial Age-up: Warchief Strike Attack improved + 20% increase in hitpoints.
-Fortress Age-up: Warchief Strike Attack improved + 30% increase in hitpoints.
-Industrial Age-up: Warchief Strike Attack improved + 40% increase in hitpoints.
-Imperial Age-up: Warchief Strike Attack improved + 50% increase in hitpoints.
Tribal Warrior
-Balanced the amount of Skull Knights each age-up provides.
-Colonial Age-up: 2 Skull Knights.
-Fortress Age-up: 3 Skull Knights.
-Industrial Age-up: 5 Skull Knights.
-Imperial Age-up: 8 Skull Knights.
Tribal Shaman
-Upon each age-up now provides a Travois and attack and hitpoints have been rebalanced.
-Colonial Age-up: Added War Hut Travois and same +10% War Hut and Noble Hut
-Fortress Age-up: Added Noble Hut Travois and adjusted to +10% War Hut and Noble Hut
-Industrial Age-up: Added 2 Noble Hut Travois and adjusted to +10% War Hut and Noble Hut
Imperial Age-up: Added 2 Noble Hut Travois and adjusted to +20% War Hut and Noble Hut
Tribal Wise Woman
-Upon each age-up now provides a Farm Travois and bonuses to plantations and farms have
been rebalanced.
-Colonial Age-up: No change. 10% bonus to Farm and Plantation gather rates.
-Fortress Age-up: 1 Farm Travois and adjusted to + 10% bonus to Farm and Plantation gather
-Industrial Age-up: 2 Farm Travois and adjusted to + 10% bonus to Farm and Plantation
gather rates.
-Imperial Age-up: 2 Farm Travois and adjusted to + 20% bonus to Farm and Plantation gather
Aztec War Party Big Button Tech
-Now unavailable until Fortress Age (up from Colonial Age).
Aztec Raiding Party Big Button Tech
-Now unavailable until Fortress Age (up from Colonial Age).
Cipactli Worship Big Button Tech
-Now unavailable until Fortress Age (up from Colonial Age).
Card – Offshore Support
-Effect decreased to provide +5 range (down from +10 range).
-Effect added to provide 20% bonus to damage to all War Ships.
Card – Ruthlessness
-Effect no longer given to Eagle Runner Knights.
-Effect now provides 50% bonus multiplier to Coyote Runners, Puma Spearmen and
Macehualtins against Abstract Villager.
-6 Settlers (up from 5).
-1 Food crate (down from 2).
-All ranged attacks’ damage reduced to 60.00 (down from 75.00).
-All ranged and hand attacks’ multiplier against Abstract Heavy Cavalry increased to
x2.75 (up from x2.25).
-All ranged and hand attacks’ multiplier against Abstract Artillery increased to
x2.25 (up from x1.75).
Note: Mansabdar Howdah also reworked to be double of the new elephant’s stats.
-Ranged resistance armor reduced to 0.50 (down from 0.75).
-Food/Gold cost modified to 125.00/125.00 (from 100.00/200.00).
-Hitpoints increased to 325.00 (up from 200.00).
-Velocity decreased to 4.00 (down from 4.50) and Max Velocity decreased to 6.00 (down from
-All hand attacks’ damage reduced to 5.00 (down from 14.00).
-All building attacks’ siege damage reduced to 80.00 (down from 140.00).
-All building attacks’ ROF (Rate of Fire) reduced to 1.50 (down from 3.00).
Note: Mansabdar Failiphant also reworked to be double of the new elephant’s stats.
Card – Royal Green Jackets
-Effect modified to also provide a Counter-Infantry Rifling-type bonus of x1.00 against
Heavy Infantry.
-All hand attacks’ damage reduced to 10.00 (down from 12.00).
-Build limit decreased to 5.00 (down from 7.00).
-Cannot convert anymore fallen units into other Disciples. Only the Chinese Monk retains
this ability.
Qiang Pikeman
-Hitpoints decreased to 105.00 (down from 110.00).
-All hand attacks’ damage reduced to 7.00 (down from 8.00).
-All hand attacks’ multiplier against Abstract Cavalry increased to x5.00 (up from
-All building attacks’ siege damage reduced to 30.00 (down from 34.00).
Changdao Swordsman
-All hand attacks’ damage increased to 15.00 (up from 13.00).
-All hand attacks’ multiplier against Abstract Cavalry increased to x2.25 (up from
-Hitpoints increased to 110.00 (up from 100.00).
-All hand attacks’ damage increased to 8.00 (up from 4.00).
Hand Mortar
-Velocity decreased to 3.00 (down from 4.00) and Max Velocity decreased to 4.00 (down from
-All cannon attacks’ damage reduced to 5.00 (down from 20.00).
-All cannon attacks’ multiplier against Buildings increased to x16.00 (up from
x4.00), multiplier against Ships increased to x14.00 (up from x2.00), and multiplier
against Abstract Artillery increased to x6.00 (up from x2.00).
Card – TEAM 7 Manchu
-Effect decreased to provide 5 Manchu (down from 7).
Card – TEAM 5 Hand Mortars
-Effect decreased to provide 4 Hand Mortars (down from 5).
Card – TEAM 5 Provincial Administration
-Effect decreased to provide +10 bonus to population (down from +15 bonus).
Wonder – White Pagoda
-Upon each age-up now provides a lower amount of Disciples.
-Limit of Disciples decreased to 5 (down from 6)
-Colonial Age-up: 4 Disciples (down from 5).
-Fortress Age-up: 6 Disciples (down from 12).
-Industrial Age-up: 10 Disciples (down from 14).
-Imperial Age-up: 16 Disciples (down from 26).
Wonder – Summer Palace
-Upon each age-up now provides crates of food instead of cavalry units.
-Colonial Age-up: 400 food (changed from 2 Steppe Riders).
-Fortress Age-up: 1000 food (changed from 3 Iron Flails).
-Industrial Age-up: 1500 food (changed from 5 Iron Flails).
-Imperial Age-up: 2000 food (changed from 10 Iron Flails).
Wonder – Porcelain Tower
-Upon each age-up now provides an improved building that gathers resources, but no crates.
-Export and XP rates adjusted accordingly.
-Colonial Age-up: auto-gather rates of 3.00f 2.50w 2.50g and no crates (changed from 2.50f
2.00w 2.00g and 400 Food)
-Fortress Age-up: auto-gather rates of 4.50f 4.00w 4.00g and no crates (changed from 2.50f
2.00w 2.00g and 1000 Food)
-Industrial Age-up: auto-gather rates of 6.00f 5.50w 5.50g and no crates (changed from
2.50f 2.00w 2.00g and 1500 Food)
-Imperial Age-up: auto-gather rates of 6.50f 6.00w 6.00g and no crates (changed from 2.50f
2.00w 2.00g and 2400 Food)
-Auto-gather rate for Wood, Food and Coin rate doubled. Wood and Coin rate increased to
0.10 (up from 0.05), Food rate increased to 0.14 (up from 0.07). No change to XP
auto-gather rate.
Cherry Orchard
-Initial Food increased to 5000.00 (up from 4500.00).
Card – Ashigaru Musketeer Attack
-Effect decreased to 15% bonus damage (down from 20%).
Card – Close Combat
-Effect changed to 15% bonus hitpoints (from 20% bonus damage).
No change