Postal: The Movie Trailer Shocks, Offends, Festers
Here we present a preview of the latest Uwe Boll masterpiece that may or may not come to a theater! There's been no actual release date set for this, but what we can tell you is that the plot points include spoofs of 9/11 and Jewish culture.
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Uwe recently said that he's stepping away from big budget movies after his latest box office failure. In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale had a budget of around $70 million, and pulled in roughly $3 million on opening week. So if you ever start to get down on yourself, feeling like you don't have any real talent, take heart: Boll is proof positive you can be a worthless dingleberry of society and still make millions of dollars.
I think this movie would be perfect for a Portland Shackmeet at the Bagdad. Or any of the theaters that serve beer.