Games of the Year 2007: Shackers' Choice

You're the decider! Vote on your favorite games of 2007, across all genres and platforms.

As our staff size increases, we're breaking slightly from past protocol this year and publishing editorially-driven Game of the Year awards. We're not leaving our old traditions behind, however--you mad crazy zombies still have your say in our newly-dubbed Shackers' Choice awards. In this season of impending presidential primaries, Shacknews lets you vote on the stuff that really matters.

To secure a slot on our esteemed judging panel of thousands, you need only be signed in with your Shack account. You may nominate up to three games in each category, ranked by preference; if there are any categories with which you don't feel familiar enough, just leave them blank. If we made a shameful and grevious omission, write it in. Also, please feel free to explain the reasoning behind your top choice in each category, using the provided blank text field. Get to the voting!

This is the game that most impressed you on any platform this year, be it due to its gameplay, its polish, its innovation, or for its elusive je ne sais quoi. It is your favorite and most admired game of 2007.
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