Evening Reading
Well, that was certainly a server crunch like we've never seen before. Literally stadiums full of people showing up in a matter of minutes kinda...
Well, that was certainly a server crunch like we've never seen before. Literally
stadiums full of people showing up in a matter of minutes kinda wacks things out. Did
actually learn a few things though which is nice. We have a pretty beefy cluster of
servers running things around here but we would have probably needed around 30 servers to
handle that load during the first hour. It was just silly times and proof beyond any doubt
that the interest in Duke is still impressive no matter how long we have been waiting.
Stay tuned for more stuff!
- Why Maarten yells when playing 'will
it fit?'
- Land whales!
- IE8 is coming,
possibly not
- Feds take another feeble swipe at online
- Throw Jamie Lynn in jail with
her pedo boyfriend!
- We are saving
the planet
with the black header here - We are way more effective than the EPA
Lastly, it probably got lost in the shuffle today but the PS3 games of 2008 went up
today to join PC games of 2008
Have a look!
I've put a list of Minnesota shackers in my profile page. We should do a Minneapolis Shackmeet sometime!
I suggest going to see an indy film at the Little and chilling out at The Spot afterwards: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&time=&date=&ttype=&q=little+theatre&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=37.136668,62.226563&ie=UTF8&ll=43.161867,-77.589226&spn=0.066864,0.121536&z=13&iwloc=A&om=1
Other than that, maybe go see a minor league hockey game? They're playing friday night:
Uhh, there's also the George Eastman House: http://www.eastmanhouse.org/ and you could always hit up Alexander St. or whatever for drinking. That's pretty much all I got. I guess there's always Eastview mall (which is in Victor) where you could do some shopping. There's an Apple store!
Oh, and maybe go to Nick Tahoes and get a garbage plate. You will die. http://www.rocwiki.org for more information.-
if you gamble, which I don't, but if you do... right down the road is a big casino and race track http://www.fingerlakesracetrack.com/