GameStop Opens Premier Store With Tournament Center in San Jose

GameStop opened its "premier" upscale store today in San Jose, a veritable Banana Republic compared to the Gap-like regular GameStop locations. The 4,000-square foot megastore combines a typical GameStop with a plasma-screen equipped tournament center.

"This world class facility takes GameStop stores and video game tournament opportunities to the next level," said GameStop CEO Dan DeMatteo in the announcement. "With these continued efforts, we are offering customers another way to get the most out of their gaming and are truly giving power to the players."

Encroaching on the marketspace of San Jose's neighborhood LAN centers, the premier store has 24 networked game stations for weekend tournaments. The first tournament will occur this Saturday, featuring EA Tiburon's Madden NFL 08 and a non-cash prize of $1,000 worth of GameStop credit.

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From The Chatty
  • reply
    December 11, 2007 2:28 PM

    4,000 square feet with 3000 of it dedicated to selling used games.

    • reply
      December 11, 2007 3:04 PM

      And 2 feet for PC games

      • reply
        December 12, 2007 9:14 AM

        Yep. That's why I buy most of my stuff at Best Buy now, where they have two full, glorious rows of PC games proudly displayed. And in the past year, they've gotten every new title on the same day as Gamestop/EB. Since they're displayed by grouping and alphabetically (most of the time from what I've seen), you really don't even need to worry about finding someone to help you (which is a usual concern with any big-box store).

        If Gamestop/EB doesn't care about its PC gamers then no point in shopping there. Let 'em cut off their nose to spite their face - my wallet's voting somewhere else.

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