Morning Discussion
Should be a short but busy week around here for everyone. If you haven't checked it out, there's a fresh Shackcast for you to sink your teeth into. Plus Faylor brings this week's NA Release List, letting you be more intimate with your wallet's mangling. I myself will be sitting around a Best Buy tonight, awaiting another morsel from the Harmonix feeding tube. Anyone else?
So is Assassin's Creed worth getting if its not at full price? I can get it for $40 Canadian from dell today.
A friend of mine was playing over the weekend and said it was horribly horribly repetetive. I watched him play for about an hour and had to agree. It looks stunning, and some of the counter-kill moves are fantastic but you essentially do the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over again..
..he also said the story wasn't compelling enough to want to continue playing.. the only reason he finished the game was so he could say he had and sell it back to Gamestation..-
At the core, most games are horribly repetitive. You can say it about anything really. Look at guitar hero. All you do is press the same 5 buttons over and over again.
That being said, I do somewhat agree. I realized I have more fun with the game when I slow down and take my time doing things. I make it a point to go to all the synch spots and save the citizens and what not. It is really repetitive, but it is a lot of fun too. Personally, I'm not sure if it is worth full price, but I don't necessarily regret picking it up.