Evening Reading
- NBC vs Apple :(
- Forcing file-sharers to play fair
- Google now hosting news
- Batteries played out?
- Half of Americans use online medical info
Lastly, maybe that service pack will get you to try Vista?
woohoo! 3 day weekend! Time to log some serious hours with Persona 3.
Different attacks do damage to different areas, and their descriptions hint to it. Want to chop off feet? Set up your guys with low-hitting attacks.
A fun thing you can do is set up attacks so that two characters knock the enemy up while the other two smash him down, and get the timing right so that you have them smacking the poor guy against the ground over and over.
pretty much. You have the standard attack with a weapon, your persona is your magic skills, and then there's items. What I really like is that you can knock down enemies if you get a critical attack or exploit their weakness (like being weak against fire, ice, etc). This gets you another attack and if you string them together right you can knock down all the enemies and do a melee attack with your whole team.