Aliens, Predators Continue Interspecial Hatred on PSP

An Aliens vs. Predator game based on the upcoming movie will arrive on PSPs in the near future, Vivendi subsidiary Sierra Entertainment announced today. Though the next Aliens vs. Predator movie will be released December 25, no launch date was given for the game.

Following the plot of the movie, the player will take the role of a Predator hunting down both Aliens and humans. The announcement did not mention the ability to take the role of Aliens, a feature of previous Aliens vs. Predator titles, but the game will feature a co-op multiplayer mode, presumably through local ad-hoc wireless play.

Rebellion, the developers behind both 1994's Aliens vs. Predator on the Atari Jaguar and 1997's PC Aliens vs. Predator title, will return to craft the PSP edition. Several screenshots of the game accompanied the announcement.

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