Teenagers: My Chemical Romance Pack Marks First Original Guitar Hero 2 Download

Tired of banging your head against the wall on Jordan? Disappointed with the rehashed Guitar Hero II (X360) track downloads? Activision hears you. Sort of.

The company today released a download for the game that includes three newly recorded My Chemical Romance songs performed by the band itself: Teenagers, Famous Last Words, and This is How I Disappear. The pack sells for 500 Microsoft Points ($6.25).

"My Chemical Romance has even appeared on television playing Guitar Hero II, and we're thrilled to build on our relationship with them," said Activision exec Tim Riley.

So that's the trick? Someone needs to strap a plastic guitar to Jimmy Page and get him on TV.

From The Chatty
  • reply
    August 14, 2007 8:01 AM

    I find it hard to believe that these people have any appreciation for the Guitar, whatsoever. This isn't "pop music hero".

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