Unreal Tournament 3 to Feature Mouse and Keyboard Support on PS3
"We are doing it in a way that will be balanced without feeling 'gimped' for either side," wrote Rein. "We'll also allow people to choose whether or not they want to allow mixed controller vs. keyboard/mouse games or not."
During E3, Epic announced that UT3 will release for PS3 and PC this year, with the Xbox 360 game to follow. Today's news adds to an existing desire to make the PS3 game as PC-like as possible; Epic also confirmed that players will be able to load user-made mods onto the PS3 version. Rein recently noted that Epic has had trouble getting that same feature onto the Xbox 360 version of the game, given the closed nature of Xbox Live, but that he hopes it will be somehow possible.
MSFT has already created a mini qwerty keyboard for the 360 controller... why wouldn't they develop and release a "360 only" wireless kb/mouse combo to retail for $60-90 bucks. Hell it'd be a damn shame for them considering how well the GH series is selling, let alone the 3 items customers are going to be picking up for Rock Band.
Of course I think MSFT should allow other kb/mouse combos to work wirelessly with the 360, but still I'm sure they are thinking about this really hard given the update from Epic. Both a blessing and a curse...-
Yea, but only for sending messages, not gameplay (as chris mentions below).
I agree that this is a good thing for the console business competition is win win for the consumers.
Of course this also continues to extend the blur between PC and Consoles.
I think next gen, Nintendo will be the only ones making a console and MSFT and Sony will be making damn near full on PC's for gaming, communication, (hopefully creating user content), media distribution, and whatever else they come up with.