On Halo 2's Dedicated Server


A new Halo 2 Vista blog is available at IGN. This installment deals with the dedicated server included with the game.

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From The Chatty
  • reply
    May 5, 2007 12:56 PM

    From reading that, it appears that only gold players can:

    * Host listen servers
    * Store favourite servers

    And you need a silver (free) live account to set up a dedicated server. I don't like that fact, it seems like they are controlling dedicated servers so that in the future they can charge for them, much like EA does for BF ranked servers.

    • reply
      May 5, 2007 2:57 PM

      as if this port could be any more shit?

      • reply
        May 6, 2007 2:26 PM

        Let's see. It's a 3 year old console game, being brought out to only support a bleeding edge OS just to try and get more copies of that OS sold. Oh did I mention that the original version was only considered good because console FPS are pretty rare? The only way this port could be shittier was if the game just refused to run.

        • reply
          May 7, 2007 9:30 AM

          Console FPSs aren't rare, certainly not in this day and age; it's just that they're usually pretty generic.

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