Curt Schilling Q&A


The latest issue of The Escapist includes a Q&A with Curt Schilling, the Red Sox pitcher who last year started the MMORPG development company Green Monster Games. Schilling is asked why he's starting the company, his role, the company's mission statement, and the involvement of Todd McFarlane and R.A. Salvatore among other things.

From The Chatty
  • reply
    January 3, 2007 7:06 AM

    Wow. R.A. Salvatore among other things.

    Could this be the first MMO with an actual storyline?!

    Please Curt, break the MMO mold. Bring us something new to the table. No EQ2 remakes.

    • reply
      January 3, 2007 7:19 AM

      Ooh I can't wait to see another story involving the Crystal Shard. /sarcasm

      Salvatore geeks will get that *cough*

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