Anarchy Online - Lost Eden Launched


Funcom sends along word that the latest Anarchy Online expansion pack, Lost Eden, has been launched. The $29.95 expansion allows you take the fight back to the aliens with orbital battle stations fights, battle-mechs, new weapons and armor, and plenty more.

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From The Chatty
  • reply
    December 14, 2006 8:54 AM

    Is there enough of a market to warrant a $30 price tag?

    • reply
      December 14, 2006 11:18 AM

      I have a friend that work there and he says the game still make a nice profit for them. Its no WoW but still.

      • reply
        December 14, 2006 11:47 AM

        Oh I'm not questioning its profitability. It wouldn't be online still if it wasn't making money. Ultimate earns a fairy nice profit. I'm just wondering if there are enough people willing to pay $30 for an expansion on a fairly old game. Power to them if it's working.

        • reply
          December 14, 2006 3:49 PM

          Given that you can play the basic game for free and that they had a million new users in the past year they will sell copies of the game to those players who have been playing for free and want the enhancements. Also expansions in AO are not like in other MMO's they tend to be new layers of game play, this expansion adds what amount to WoW battle zones and ads giant mechs to the existing PvP... as well as the more normal new zones and such. So for old palyers of the game it provides a new experience not more of the same. I have been playing AO since launch (yes it was terrable for a bit there) and I pre ordered the expansion. I have played every MMO out there and am in the beta's for some that are not out yet and AO still holds it's own aganst the best of them.

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