New 3DMark, PCMark Releases
Futuremark sends along updated builds of their popular 3DMark and PCMark benchmark programs, offering Windows Vista and IE7 compatibility, improved startup speed and several bug fixes. Over at FileShack you can find 3DMark 06 1.1.0 (or the patch for those who have 1.0.2 installed), 3DMark05 1.3.0 (no patch and its recommended you uninstall older releases first) and PCMark 05 1.2.0 along with a patch for older installations.
Does this still use it's own 3d engine? If so... why do people still care to rate their computers with a engine that doesn't play games?
because there aren't many "plug and play" benchmarks these days. You can just run it and say "i got xx 3dmarks" and people know what that is, and can run the EXACT same benchmark and compare scores.
If anything, it points to the sad state of benchmarking in the games industry these days. Too many developers ship their games without benchmarking, so everyone has to fend for themselves to make their own custom benchmark. This makes comparing PCs difficult. -