Halo 2 Diary


The official Bungie website has been updated, offering the second Halo 2 Vista development diary. Matt Priestley talks about the progress being made on the game, including the visual enhancements, control scheme changes, dedicated server play, custom map support and the addition of text chat. Thanks Voodoo Extreme.

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From The Chatty
  • reply
    October 6, 2006 10:32 AM

    can I get a meh?

    Why are they making this again? Does Microsoft really think that we're to go out and buy vista for halo 2?

    What's really gonna happen is I'm going to pick it out of the discount bin in like two years after I finally upgrade to vista because a game that I actually want to play is vista only.

    This is just somewhere between an insult and an abortion.

    • reply
      October 6, 2006 12:09 PM

      3+ year old Xbox game ported to a yet to be released operating system that is unlikely to be too reliable until it's first service pack is released...meh, no thanks. Only reason for me to buy Vista is when Directx10 games that appeal to me come out, and even then, I'm sketchy about vista with the DRM being so heavily integrated into the operating system.

    • reply
      October 6, 2006 1:56 PM

      I'm also gonna throw in a big Meh. PC gamers aren't exactly hard up for FPS games. It doesn't help that I beat Halo 2 a few months after it came out. They should have used Mass Effect of Gears of War for this maneuver. I might have actually been somewhat interested in that case.

      • reply
        October 6, 2006 4:15 PM

        Gears of War would be so sweet. Then again, Unreal Engine 3 has been DX9 for ages, and will apparently be so for a while longer. :-) I can't wait to see what it looks like under DX10...

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