Sunday Afternoon New Release and ShackReviews
Also, NinjaBee's Cloning Clyde comes out this week on Xbox Live Arcade for Xbox 360. I'm looking forward to getting some co-op in with that one. It's a sadly neglected feature these days, so it's nice when developers go out of their way to support it. If you aren't familiar with the game, which wouldn't be a huge surprise, check out our preview.
This Week's New Releases
Super Dragon Ball Z (Crafts & Meister | Tue. | PS2)
Cloning Clyde (NinjaBee | Wed. | X360)
Blade Dancer: Lineage of Light (Hit Maker | Tue. | PSP)
Miami Vice (Rebellion | Tue. | PSP)
Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth (tri-Ace | Tue. | PSP)
Additional Database Entries
- The Ship (Outerlight, PC, 2006)
Featured ShackReviews:
- Another week with three from Masem; this time it's GlyphX Games' Advent Rising (Xbox), Microsoft Game Studios Japan's Phantom Dust (Xbox), and Human Head and 3D Realms' Prey (X360).
- From SixDemonBag we've got two: Treasure and Game Arts' Silpheed: The Lost Planet (PS2) and EA Redwood Shores' The Godfather (Xbox).
- Chazums has a quick review of From Software's Chromehounds (X360).
- Dedgecko checks out Human Head and 3D Realms' Prey (X360).
Once again, very little gaming for me this week. I'm slowly chipping away at Backbone's Age of Empires: The Age of Kings (NDS).
HALO 2's co-op is fantastic too. Also, Perfect Dark Zero has some great co-op action (each player can bring different gadgets for a more diverse experience, a few levels even have the characters doing different things altogether for much of them, and a good number of objectives change to require both players to do something together/differently).