ESA Wines and Dines California Politicos

Game Politics reports by that earlier this week the Entertainment Software Industry held a lobbying event for California politicians. There was also a reception featuring food, drink, and E-rated video games such as Dance Dance Revolution and a ping pong game that very well may have been Rockstar Games presents Table Tennis. The ESA has held similar events before at the national political level, but this marks the first time the organization has done so for members of a specific state legislature.
ESA President Doug Lowenstein and the organization's General Counsel Gail Markels were among those who met with elected officials in Sacramento. ... In addition to Lowenstein and Markels, representatives from some publishers were in attendance, including California-based Electronic Arts.
California's festivities were modeled on a successful annual lobbying day in Washington, D.C. at which the ESA has hosted members of Congress. The ESA spokesperson told GP the industry plans additional lobbying events at the state level although none are scheduled at this time.

The location of the event is no coincidence, as California is currently in the midst of a legal battle to determine the fate of state assemblymember Leland Yee's violent game fine law.

From The Chatty
  • reply
    June 22, 2006 2:30 PM

    Did they get them any bitches?

    • reply
      June 22, 2006 2:38 PM

      "One thing's for sure. GRAND THEFT AUTO didn't kill that hooker, mister senator."

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