Battle for Middle-Earth 2 Patch Plans
The Battle for Middle Earth 2 website has a new blog entry by executive producer Mike Verdu. Verdu mentions that even with the recent announcement of the development of Command & Conquer 3, the EALA team remains commited to updates to the Lord of the Rings strategy game. A fifth patch is being worked on for release late summer, one that will be all about game balancing. "Cool new tools" for the mod community are promised as well.
Hahahaha, such complete bullshit
They have one community rep, after C&C3 was announced, he spent all of his time on the C&C3 official forums, stopped in like once a month to go 'hay guys lol' on the official forum and the fan sites
Check this thread (start post/end post date)
If you buy their games, don't buy them for their multi support, whatever lies they like to spew -