F.E.A.R. Patch


A new F.E.A.R. patch is now available, updating Monolith's shooter to v1.05. The patch offers two new maps and multiplayer modes, described as such

Control mode: Two teams compete for three Control Points. Teams earn points for each Control Point they hold. To win, one team must reach the score limit before their opposition or have the highest score when the time limit expires. Capture All mode: Two teams compete for five Control Points. Team points are earned for neutralizing or capturing a Control Point as well as killing enemy players. To win, one team must capture all five Control Points, reach the score limit before the opposing team does, or have the highest score when the time limit expires.

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From The Chatty
  • reply
    May 25, 2006 1:11 PM

    400 megs :(

    • reply
      May 25, 2006 2:00 PM

      Monolith certainly don't mess around when releasing patches.

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